
How to Maintain Your Positive Trajectory

Hindsight is an amazing thing. In the moment, you may have no idea your life is about to change in a big way. Sure, there can be some signs. Perhaps a shift in your core beliefs, a new opportunity appears, or you decide to take a step forward in a direction that has always seemed…
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Why You Should Focus on What You Do Have, Instead of What You Don’t

Count your blessings. Look for the silver lining. See that glass as half-full instead of half-empty. We have all heard the importance of focusing on what you do have in life, instead of what you don’t. While it may be easy to dismiss these sayings as merely fuel for countless memes, posters, and inspirational cards,…
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Why Chris Rock doesn’t have to accept Will Smith’s video apology (but why Smith had to make it)

When Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards, that act of aggression was jarring for many reasons. In no way should Rock’s tepid joke – or that of any comedian making a globally televised performance – merit that kind of unprofessional, outsized reaction. It disrupted what was a solid awards event and drew…
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How to Lead with Love

When Jo Ann Herold first donned the McDonald’s Hamburglar costume as a part-time store area representative at age 16 to entertain kids at their birthday parties, it seemed like a fun way to make extra money. She couldn’t have dreamed that first foray into foodservice would lead to a remarkable career as the chief marketing…
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How Giving Back Can Transform Your Life

Did you know that altruism, stemming from a deep, genuine desire to help people and the community, is good for your well-being? Volunteering your time and participating in acts of kindness bolsters your mental health; feeling more socially connected prevents loneliness and depression. It can also improve your physical wellness. A 2013 study out of…
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How to Crush Your Summer

Summer has long been idealized in pop culture. That’s when Sandy Olsson met Danny Zucko on vacation, setting the stage for a seemingly mismatched romance in the movie Grease. Countless songs from artists like Alice Cooper, Bananarama, Lana Del Rey and DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince extolled the virtues, excitement, or heartbreak of…
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Why Top Gun: Maverick Has Become the One Thing We Agree On

You can learn a lot from movies. Like how teamwork can overcome any obstacle, whether it be extraterrestrial threats to the planet or a cartel of mysterious bad guys. The importance of fulfilling relationships in your personal life and career; heck even the Incredible Hulk had an easier time with his anger management issues when…
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How to Identify Your Superpower

Sometimes your superpower is apparent at a young age – like your ability to quickly learn foreign languages or a talent for brokering peace between bickering friends – while others might not recognize their unique, standout gifts until later in life. Sarah Apgar, the Founder and CEO of FitFighter, figured out a long time ago…
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5 Ways to Make Your Dreams Come True

Having a dream is a wonderful thing. It inspires hope and joy. I still get chills whenever a snippet is played from Martin Luther King Jr.’s incredible “I Have a Dream” speech. Numerous quotes about dreams abound from captains of industry like Walt Disney (“If you can dream it, you can do it.”) to Sir…
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Mastering the Art of Reinvention

Comedian and actor George Lopez once said, “When things are bad, it’s the best time to reinvent yourself.” His point may be right on the money. If you’re feeling stuck, that kind of change can present a good opportunity to recalibrate who you are and how you present yourself to the world. However, reinvention doesn’t…
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