
Building a Healthy Support System – Lessons from the Sisterhood of Stayin’ Alive Crew

Whether you are trying to thrive professionally or personally, one thing is for certain – a healthy support system is essential. We do, think, and feel better when surrounded by like-minded souls – your birds of a feather – the people who truly care about you. It is reciprocal and it is real. Technically defined…
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Childhood Dreams Can Bring Your Grown-up Ambitions to Life, Here’s How!

Shira Miller, Age 10: Dreaming About Becoming an Astronaut
What was your dream career as a child? I was an earnest, slightly goofy kid obsessed with outer space, so bet you can guess my answer. My love affair with all things cosmos was sparked by a clay model of the solar system I made for a third-grade science project back when Pluto was still…
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Want to Make a Change? Start Here: How to Give Yourself Permission to Change

As a kid, you needed a couple of things to succeed in school. Along with the right textbooks and good study habits was the all-important permission slip signed by a parent or guardian. That official authorization was your golden ticket to attend school trips, sporting events, and participate in extracurricular activities. Without it, you were…
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Want more wins? Try These 3 Ways to Use Failure as Rocket Fuel for Future Successes

When you think of Sir Richard Branson, what comes to mind? Perhaps charming billionaire, incredibly successful entrepreneur, or the media darling who has his own island?  All those monikers are true, and here’s another one to add to the list – failure. Yes, Branson has crushed it with career highlights including Virgin Records, Virgin Airlines,…
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Increase Your Self-Confidence with This 10-Minute Reverse Bucket List Exercise

Between AI deep fakes, political machinations, and manufactured social media influencers, it can be difficult to trust others these days. When it comes to believing in yourself, though, that’s another story. Not trusting your judgment and actions can lead to tremendous self-doubt, which is a one-way ticket to getting stuck. When you experience self-doubt you…
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5 Ways to Love Yourself Into Greatness

Whenever I take an AMP dance party spin class, two things are certain – I’m going to have a lot of fun and my body will be challenged by the intense workout. A few weeks ago though, I also got a huge dose of inspiration that prompted me to write this article. During the class,…
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Want to Hit Your Goals in 2024? Consider Choosing A Word of the Year!

With so much intelligence at our fingertips these days—both the artificial and homemade kinds—it’s no wonder that people can feel as scattered, smothered, and covered as their favorite order of hashbrowns. In fact, research has shown that the average human attention span is currently 8.25 seconds, just under that of a goldfish. That represents a…
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Want More Good This New Year? Use Gratitude as Rocket Fuel at Work and at Home

Gratitude, a positive state of mind in which you lead with appreciation, just might be the ultimate sustainable resource. After all, it’s easy to create on demand and has a low carbon footprint. Plus, being grateful is so positive for you on numerous levels. Studies have demonstrated numerous links between gratitude and improved health and…
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Make Your Comeback Greater Than Your Setback: 3 Ways to Pivot With Purpose

We’ve all had setbacks that affected us at work, home, or both at the same time. Perhaps that’s why I’ve always appreciated a great comeback story. Like Michael Milken, the former financier who went to prison for racketeering and securities fraud, was then released after two years for good behavior and has spent the past 30-plus…
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Unleash Your Inner Butterfly at Work – Why, and 4 Ways To Start

I’ve always enjoyed a great transformation story. Like when Han Solo evolved from living in the shadows as a smuggler into one of the leading heroes of the original Star Wars trilogy, or singer Adele’s healthy living journey after she started focusing on her well-being. But the most impressive transformation process is something I learned about in…
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