What It Feels Like to Be Stuck — And How to Get Unstuck

“The feeling of being stuck is common. I define the term stuck as being at odds with your desired life circumstances. You don’t live up to your expectations for yourself—whether that means in your job, love life, health, and more.” — Shira Miller, Chief Communications Officer, TEDx Speaker, Executive Coach, Author   Published on May…

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9 Uplifting Books That Will Ignite Your Sense of Purpose

“One of the most uplifting books I’ve ever read is The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. The book focuses on how happiness is the precursor to success, not merely the result, as well as the benefits of happiness and optimism in fueling your performance and achievement. This read literally brought me joy and a tremendous…

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10 Mindfulness Habits That Will Make You More Successful at Work

“One of the first things I do each morning is a journaling exercise I developed to use gratitude as rocket fuel. Steps include listing everything I’m grateful for and then with the powerful positive resonance of that list, I set my intentions for the day ahead — sometimes it is about slowing down to prioritize…

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13 Smart Ways to Respond to Constructive Criticism

“Realizing that constructive criticism is a gift helped me learn to receive it better. For example, my CEO noted several years ago that I was assuming the burdens of others at the detriment of myself. At first, it stung, as I saw myself as a ‘corporate superhero’ protecting others. Then, I realized that he was…

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Three Ways to Become More Grateful

become more grateful

Your wellness routine might include exercise, sleep and good nutrition. But are you also getting a regular dose of gratitude, which has been proven to make you happier and healthier? One of the world’s leading experts on the science of gratitude, Psychology Professor Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California, Davis, found that gratitude…

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Bolster your Career by Becoming a Better Listener

Bolster your Career by Becoming a Better Listener

A few years ago, some major media outlets reported that the average attention span had shrunk from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to eight seconds today. While this BBC News story busted that myth, research has shown that people, especially Generation Z, are facing more distractions than ever before in light of increased usage of social media and smart devices. Add…

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Killing Your Inner Saboteur with Kindness

Killing Your Inner Saboteur with Kindness

Three ways to deal with negative self-talk You know that inner voice that turns all Debbie Downer with critical comments, trying to hold you back? In her book Thrive, Arianna Huffington refers to it as her “obnoxious roommate” while in the professional coaching world we often call it the inner saboteur. I’ve dealt with her…

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Want to Decrease Stress at Work? Take a Pause

Decrease Stress at Work

Four Ways to Immediately Diffuse Cumulative Stress Most of the time, I’m a relatively positive person. But right before leaving for a much-needed five-day vacation a few months ago, I had a meltdown that would have given a toddler a run for the money. During the previous few months, way too much time had been…

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