
Break Free Now: Recognize the 6 Telltale Signs You’re Stuck and Take Action

Kind of thinking you might be stuck, but aren’t sure? Let’s talk about that for a moment. The truth is that the feeling of being stuck in your professional or personal life—or both at the same time—is common. I define the term stuck as being at odds with your desired life circumstances. You don’t live…
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Free Up Your Mental Energy by Making This Summer a Season of Completion

It doesn’t matter where you grew up in the United States, or even when — just about everyone I know at some point had to write an essay or give a presentation about their summer vacation at the onset of the new school year. For me, that always involved two highlights — a road trip…
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10 Things Ted Lasso Can Teach Us About Being a Great Leader

When I first started watching Ted Lasso a couple of years ago, it was a ray of light during the heaviness of the pandemic. In case you haven’t seen this delightful streaming comedy, it’s about a well-intentioned “fish out of water” American coach who transforms an elite UK football team’s performance and the lives of everyone around…
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Transform Your Mindset and Achieve More Joy with This One Powerful Reframing Tip

Are you the kind of person who fixates on one mistake or adverse comment after receiving an avalanche of praise? Ever find yourself consistently paying more attention to bad news over good? That’s true for many individuals and I’ve certainly been guilty of it in the past. However, when you consistently choose pessimism over optimism,…
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Get Inspired! 4 Tips to Drawing Inspiration from Your Favorite Pop Culture Icons

For me, having a great conversation is like scoring a winning lottery ticket that pays out in joy instead of cash. So, you can imagine my excitement when Joe Boyd, CEO of Leadercast, asked me this intriguing question during our recent interview for his podcast: Who was a mythical / fictional mentor to you growing up? I…
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Want to learn to live in the moment? Try these 5 things

Living in the moment. Being more present. Embracing mindfulness. Whatever you call it, research has shown that being aware of and focusing on your current circumstance – rather than ruminating constantly on the past or what lies ahead, improves your well-being and ability to handle stress. However, while the concept sounds great, many over-achievers, for lack of…
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3 Ways to Have More Fun at Work – and One Thing You Should Never Do

Are you are used to keeping certain items separate? You know, things like church and state, ensuring the peas on your plate go nowhere near the mashed potatoes and always sitting your mom and Aunt Edna at opposite sides of the room to avoid World War III. Apply that to the workplace, and you might…
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Want to be a better leader? Try adding humor to the mix!

Let me tell you about one of my favorite people at work, Scott McDaniel. Sure, he is a super-smart C-level executive with decades of impressive accomplishments. But what is most impressive about McDaniel, who I’ve nicknamed McD, is the delightful way he leads with humor. He sends the perfect memes to alleviate boring meetings. For the…
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Become a Great Leader by Practicing Gratitude: Here are 4 ways to get started

A lot has been written about what makes a leader great. Good communication skills and passion–check. Decisiveness, strong vision, perseverance, and integrity–check. Another quality that should be on that short list–especially in our post-pandemic world–is gratitude. The act of thanking others and expressing your appreciation in the workplace can go a long way in creating…
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Finally Learn How to Trust Yourself Again With These 3 Tips

Finally Learn How to Trust Yourself Again With These 3 Tips
3 Ways to Learn How to Trust Yourself Any business can try to brew a soda, fry chicken, or make an industrial lubricant. But if you think about Coca-Cola, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or WD-40, those companies have become blockbuster brands by virtue of their storied secret ingredients (in addition to some darned good marketing). The…
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