Posts Tagged ‘Career Success’
Break the Cycle of Unnecessary Apologies
Break the Cycle of Unnecessary Apologies Shira Miller on Aim 4U Ladies Podcast In this episode, Sophia has Shira Miller join her to discuss the trap of over-apologizing, particularly among women. Shira shares her journey from a life of constant apology to a confident stand against unneeded apologizing. Shira provides insightful tips on recognizing unnecessary…
Read MoreShira Miller on How to Be Awesome at Your Job
How — and Why — to Stop Overapologizing Shira Miller reveals the harmful effects of overapologizing—and shares powerful advice for owning your greatness. — YOU’LL LEARN — 1) How overapologizing hurts you personally and professionally 2) Five steps to stop unnecessary apologies 3) How to tame your inner saboteur Subscribe or visit for clickable…
Read MoreHarness Gratitude to Stop Career Burnout & Activate Your Full Potential
Want to stop career burnout? Try a dose of gratitude. Recent research has shown that gratitude makes you happier and healthier. One of the world’s leading experts on the science of gratitude, Psychology Professor Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California, Davis, found that gratitude is related to 23 percent lower levels of stress…
Read MoreFour Reasons Why Exercise Helps You Thrive at Work
I’ve seen a lot of smart people become “career activists,” networking like crazy, volunteering for extra assignments and diligently plotting their next move like a Grandmaster chess player about to checkmate their opponent’s king. However, even the people who never miss a professional association networking event and gobble up self-improvement audio books like the really…
Read MoreFour Ways “Stranger Things” Teaches Us How to Crush It at Work
I’m obsessed with the Netflix show Stranger Things. A cross between Stand by Me, Aliens and Firestarter topped with a huge dollop of early 80’s nostalgia, this compelling ode to the power of friendship is more than just great entertainment. It also contains life lessons for thriving in your career. Here are four ways Stranger…
Read MoreGood Times: Are you prepared for the best to happen?
From Stephen King to Maya Angelou, numerous cultural icons have been quoted on the concept of hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. Many organizations certainly operate with that mindset, creating contingency plans galore for handling crisis situations. But if everything goes right, how well-equipped are you to accept good times? It takes…
Read MoreWhat Wonder Woman can teach us about employee engagement
It might seem like Wonder Woman doesn’t have much to do with employee engagement. After all, the beloved icon uses bullet proof bracelets, the lasso of truth and super human strength to protect humanity (and rack up box office gold) while companies focus on employee engagement to improve productivity, reduce turnover and enhance results. However,…
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