Gratitude Rocket Fuel

5 Steps to Activate Your Amazing Potential


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Have you ever felt stuck? Sure, you’ve already accomplished a lot and certainly cheer loudly for others. But frustration strikes because self-doubt has kept you from fully claiming the career success, lifelong love, health and wellness, financial prosperity or happiness you deserve. You know what can help? A daily dose of gratitude.


Recent research has shown that gratitude makes you happier and healthier. What if you could harness this practice to do more, like fulfill your amazing potential in life? I propose that gratitude is one of the best sources of fuel – sustainable, easy to create on-demand and talk about a low carbon footprint - in helping you unleash your inner rock star.

As a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, I developed this daily Gratitude Rocket Fuel exercise for clients in 2014 to use in getting clear about their current circumstances, build a swell of positive energy by focusing on what they are grateful for, and then focus intently on several items they’d like to claim. Like metaphorical rocket fuel, it acts as an explosive charge taking individuals to new heights of success and fulfillment.

You can begin your morning with this exercise to frame the time ahead, or do it before bedtime to reflect on what’s been accomplished. Best of all, you can see results from investing as little as 15 minutes in stoking your Gratitude Rocket Fuel supply each day.

Ready to get started?


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Shira Miller

It is frustrating to feel like you are not living in alignment with your desired circumstances, goals, or purpose. Maybe you’ve put the needs of others above your own and are now ready to live for yourself, or perhaps you have struggled with self-doubt or embracing your authentic self. I know those circumstances all too well.

My goal is to help you get unstuck, transform, and fulfill your amazing potential.

It’s time to break your chronic state of “stuckness” and live Free and Clear!